PepsiCo India has appointed Garima Singh as Head of Government Affairs and Communications. Singh takes over from Viraj Chouhan who is elevated to the role of Vice President, Global Market Communications.
Prior to the new appointment, she was the Head of Corporate Affairs at HeroMotoCorp. Singh has over 20 years of experience and has led the public affairs mandate for companies like Mondelez, Apple, Mahindra & Mahindra, amongst others, in her career. In her new role at PepsiCo India, she will be a key business partner managing long-term policy risks and opportunities to shape public policy decisions for the sustainable, responsible business growth of the company.
Chouhan will now take up a global role; he will be the focal point for all global market communications teams outside the US, covering both internal and external communications. He will serve as the head of the Markets Center of Excellence, providing support and guidance to teams and driving positive outcomes around key themes including pep+, Diversity, Engagement & Inclusion, Digital Transformation and Community.