Archetype India added multiple mandates across sectors to its client portfolio over the last couple of months. Despite the challenges of the second wave of the pandemic and continued remote working, Archetype has bolstered its business in the first half of the year across its Delhi, Mumbai, and Bangalore offices.
Archetype has bagged Milestone Systems – a provider of open platform video management software and technology; Commvault – a global data management and data protection company, and Eka Software Solutions – a cloud-driven solutions provider for digital transformation. All these wins are in the SaaS space.
Further, digital travel platform, Agoda, has assigned strategic communication and influencer management responsibilities to Archetype in India. The brand aims to focus its efforts on expanding its presence in the country.
Additionally, in the education sector, Global Indian International School (GIIS) has entrusted Archetype India with PR responsibilities for their Noida and Bangalore campuses. GIIS is partnering with the agency for its strategic communications to solidify the brand’s position as a purpose-driven progressive educational institution.
Sunayna Malik, SVP & Managing Director, Archetype India commented, “I’m delighted at the recent significant wins we have made and welcome our new clients to the Archetype fold. The India business is growing well despite COVID-led challenges and constraints and our continued ability to strengthen our presence across the technology and education sectors is very gratifying. These wins are a testimony to the teams’ passion, hard work and depth of understanding across diverse domains. Internal morale is high and I’m quite confident that we will shore up on this momentum as the year progresses.”